For our final video project, Lisa and I decided to do a documentary. When researching information about them, I discovered that there were actually 6 types. Examining each one, I found that they were all very interesting and helped us narrow down what type we would like to do.
- Poetic: appeared in the 1920s, it was against the content and 'grammar' of film editing and preferred images with association and patterns. Films like these are more impressionistic and are more fragmented. More non-linear than modern cinema today. Fairly abstract.
- Expository: speaks directly to the audience, often arguing something and trying to prove their point of view. Rhetorical and sounds 'objective' as it tries to make us view the images a certain way.
- Observational: like someone who merely observes someone else, this type of documentary observes life with as little intervention as possible. Viewing the human character in ordinary life.
- Participatory: it appears to me, like the opposite of observational. The filmmaker alters and changes the events happening. We can also see the reactions of those that know that they are being filmed as well.
- Reflexive: draw attention to the constructiveness of documentaries. How documentaries represent the world and allows the audience to question the authenticity of documentaries.
- Performative: stress experience and emotional responses. They are personal and might include some poetic elements as well. There might be some hypothetical enactments.
(Source: http://collaborativedocumentary.wordpress.com/6-types-of-documentary/)
With this guide, Lisa and I were able to examine which ones suit our interest and help us develop our purposeful for the class. We chose poetic documentary because we thought it would be interesting to create something abstract, while at the same time, document someone's life and gain a representation of that in film.
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